• A vibrant and dynamic promotional image featuring a celestial-themed digital artwork with vivid colors and intricate patterns, conveying a sense of depth and exploration in the night sky. The image is created for DeepSky, a marketing campaign, and includes the DeepSky logo in the bottom right corner.

Located near the Park’s west entrance on Laurel Avenue, Sefton Plaza features several bronze statues that provide a look into Balboa Park’s history. A bronze statue of horticulturist Kate Sessions, often referred to as the “Mother of Balboa Park” is located on the southwest corner of the Plaza. The six and one-half foot statue depicts Kate as she is most fondly remembered-in a hat and long flowing skirt, a trowel in one hand and a seedling in the other. The surrounding garden is filled with many of the plants she is credited with bringing to Balboa Park, including Matilija Poppy, Indian Hawthorne, Lily of the Nile, and Hong Kong Orchid trees.

The north side of Sefton Plaza is known as Founder’s Plaza. This area has a grouping of three bronze sculptures-Ephraim Morse, Alonzo Horton, and George White Marston, paying respect to these prominent San Diegans who were instrumental in the creation of Balboa Park.