• A vibrant and dynamic promotional image featuring a celestial-themed digital artwork with vivid colors and intricate patterns, conveying a sense of depth and exploration in the night sky. The image is created for DeepSky, a marketing campaign, and includes the DeepSky logo in the bottom right corner.

Very few people know the park as well as Balboa Park Visitors Center staff and volunteers. Now you can hear a full one-hour expert overview of the park’s history and attractions during a leisurely walking tour of the park’s Central Mesa. Filled with amusing anecdotes, little-known facts, and eye-fulls of gorgeous scenery, the 11am tours are the perfect complement to a day exploring other free cultural offerings in the park on Residents Free Days. Tours meet at the Visitor Center at 11:00 am, every Tuesday and 2nd, 4th & 5th Friday of the month.

Call (619) 239-0512 or email tours@balboapark.org for more information. Custom group tours are also available. Contact Visitors Center for pricing and scheduling.