Churlish Chiding of Winter Winds is an original production, conceived by director, David Goodwin and devised by students of Junior Theatre’s education program along with cast members of the show. Drawn from pastoral plays of William Shakespeare such as As You Like It, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Winter’s Tale, and even King Lear, this original production will explore the collision of traditional pastoral escapism with stark evocations of the reality of life lived close to nature. Pastoral stories involve characters who leave the comforts and protections of their homes to “out-face the winds and persecutions of the sky” in transformative confrontations with nature. In Shakespearean pastoral, winter is the time of year that confrontation is sharpest and most fierce, providing for the drama at the heart of this Shakespeariment.
Churlish Chiding of Winter Winds will run Fridays at 7pm and Saturday and Sundays at 2pm from January 10 to 19, 2025.