• A vibrant and dynamic promotional image featuring a celestial-themed digital artwork with vivid colors and intricate patterns, conveying a sense of depth and exploration in the night sky. The image is created for DeepSky, a marketing campaign, and includes the DeepSky logo in the bottom right corner.

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Event Details

September 4 @ 5:30 pm
December 18 @ 6:30 pm
Event Website
Museum of Us
1350 El Prado, Balboa Park
San Diego, CA 92101 United States
Wednesday: 5:30 p.m - 6:30 p.m *Times may change. Check with venue to ensure proper showing times.

Restorative yoga sessions are held weekly at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday evenings at the Museum of Us. All are welcome, regardless of physical ability, age, or yoga experience. Classes are held in the Museum’s historic rotunda by yoga instructor, Lunita Velásquez. The evening classes promote relaxation and restoration by strengthening the mind-body connection with deep stretching, breathwork, and a welcoming space. Registration is available online. Walk-ins are welcome.  

Museum doors open at 5:15 p.m. and class begins promptly at 5:30 p.m. A limited number of yoga mats, blankets, and blocks are available to borrow. Dressing in layers is highly recommended. An adult must accompany all guests age 17 and under. 

*We won’t have class on September 18*