On the northwest side of the park, at Sixth & Upas, is a gateway into five trails:

The 1.5-mile trail goes along tree-lined walkway loops through the north end of the West Mesa area. Type: Level concrete walkways. Difficulty level: Easy. Follow the #1 round green trail markers.

The 4.1-mile trail is the best way to see the world-renowned cluster of museums and gardens. Type: Mostly level with gradually sloping concrete walks and segments on roads. Difficulty level: Medium. Follow the #2 square light orange trail markers.

The 3.6-mile trail offers varied scenery and trail surfaces with some shade, but mostly in sunny locations. Type: 2/3 concrete walkways and 1/3 sloping dirt trails with some steep slopes. Difficulty level: Difficult. Follow the #3 diamond-shaped blue trail markers.

The 5.4-mile trail features major elevation changes and some portions that require running or walking against traffic on road shoulders. Type: ½ level concrete walkways (some slopes), and ½ roadway shoulders. Difficulty level: Medium. Follow the #4 square purple trail markers.

The 6.6-mile trail goes through not-often-seen natural areas of the park, including pine and oak-covered trails. Type: ¼ concrete walkways, ¼ asphalt road, ¼ sloping dirt trails, ¼ steep dirt trails. Difficulty level: Difficult. Follow the #5 diamond-shaped red trail markers.

  • Pink poster that says "We put the eek in Geek." A black beetle is at the bottom of the photo along with the Nat logo
  • See 75 million years in one day. An orange dinosaur is on one side and a green dinosaur is on the other side. The Nat logo is on the bottom.